Not sure what your lodge can do to help the Masonic Youth Groups in your area? Here is a list of 101 things that you can do to show your support. This list can also be found on the PMYF website at . 1. Sponsor or co-sponsor a local chapter, assembly, or bethel. 2. Invite a group to give a program at your lodge. 3. Allow a group to serve or help for lodge dinners as a fundraiser. 4. Tell your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, or neighbor about the Masonic Youth groups and encourage them to join. 5. Offer a "scholarship" for attendance at an annual session or other conferences. 6. Send cards of congratulation to newly elected youth group officers. 7. Complete training as an advisor for a youth group and be available as a "back up." 8. Provide transportation to events. 9. Sponsor the printing of their newsletter or other publication. 10. Provide a link on your lodge's website to the youth groups. 11. Offer to buy a meeting suit
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