Five Things to Look for When Filling Out the Scholarship Application

Applying for scholarships can be a challenge, and sometimes even a burden for a student. A little guidance of what to look for will go along way in trying to secure funds for schooling. Here are five things that you should look for when filling out the PMYF scholarship application. These are in no particular order, just guide points to help you in filling out the application. 

1. Please make sure that everything is attached to the application. This includes transcripts and other essentials that will help you during the process. If we didn't need it, we wouldn't have asked for it on the application. 

2. Make sure that all information is filled out to the best of your ability. There may be some areas that don't apply, and a non-applicable is acceptable, but do the best you can to answer all questions. 

3. Take some time to really think about the essay questions. Our graders look for well thought out answers to all of the questions and enjoy hearing your stories.

4. List all of the academic societies and extracurricular programs you have been part of. You may not think this is important, but the more involved you are in school and its programs, the more impressive the application looks.

5. Make sure the application arrives on time, with everything attached that is needed. March 15 is the latest that an application can be postmarked, and our evaluators do not track down missing information. 

I hope this was helpful, and we look forward to seeing your application for the available scholarships. 

Until next time - Joseph Pullin



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